Wednesday, June 20, 2007

CCAI reunion picnic- Colorado

Mitchell, Dylan, Devon and Devin...these are Loren's big brothers. These 4 are quite a trip. They get along so well it was scary! They were all so cute with the girls too. It's like they were big brothers to all the girls. I must say, that Devon and Devin could have done some serious damage if we were together all week!

anika and maia

heidi and anika, kathy and kendra


ethiopian dinner

dylan with (future in laws?) anne, gunther and lexie

maia loving mitchell

sleepy maia

dylan and his girls, maia and lexie

the dads and their first father's day with their daughters :)
maia kissing loren

zach and anika, keith and maia
laughing Xuwen girls

d and d on stilts

devin with adorable haley rose (who we met at the airport, then saw at the picnic)

anika and kendra in the background

dylan with lexie-love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I printed out the picture with Mitchell and Maia walking hand in hand and gave it to Mitchel. I love the one with Loren's dress over her head!!