Tuesday, January 01, 2008


This is my 100th post!

My resolution is to get everyone (ie. Maia and Charlie) fully potty trained this week.

Maia is almost there. She is very independent and takes care of it all by herself... "I DO IT".

Charlie is feeling better. The vet put him on 5 medications and special food. He's already happier!

Jersey (cat) is doing ok with the pup. She pretty much stays away but keeps her eye on him. I was worried she would attack him (she outweighs him by 2 lbs.) but she hasn't even hissed.

The boys are enjoying their vacation. They've been outside morning until night (when they're not watching football). They do have a few projects to work on for school, though.

The new header includes a picture of Maia trying to do a forward roll at Broadway on the Beach in Myrtle Beach on Thanksgiving. The new title just came to me when I saw the picture. It seems to fit us well lately!

Happy New Year!


Our Family of 5 said...

Good luck with that resolution=)
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Will you come out and potty train Lexie?? Free lodging included!! Happy New Years to all of you. We think of you often!

Tracy, Justin and Loren said...

olemHappy New Year to all the Stamp gang! Sounds like Lexie is well on her way to being potty trained!

I started that with Loren a week or so ago. She tells me that she has to go pee pee after she has already wet her panties! She loves watching "Elmo Potting Time" but its concept needs to sink in a little more with her!

I show Mitchell and Devon pictures from your website. They liked the boy's Christmas present (the skate board like thing they had-I forgot what they called it!!)

Becky said...

Happy New Year!!! Charlie is so cute! Isn't vacation a wonderful thing?!?!?