Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Needless to say, 2008 was not my favorite year. There were some sweet baby boy additions to the family but for the most part, our family experienced a lot of heartache and loss.

Goodbye 2008...don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

As for 2009...I have high hopes!


( Luck )


Becky said...

I hope you have a good 2009.....I also have to say I thought you were saying f++k at the end of the post!!! For some reason, my mind was skimming and totally missed the "l" after the parenthesis!! I thought you were summing up 2008 with that special word!!! Here's to a good 2009!

mommy of 2 said...

oh Becky, that cracked me up!

Yes, hooray for 2009! Let's all have a GREAT one!

tricia said...

There Becky...I capitalized the "L". Good thing you're not a reading teacher!

Anonymous said...

Praying that 2009 is a better year for your wonderful family!

Tracy, Justin and Loren said...

I second what Julie said!! Hope 2009 is better for you! Been thinking about you over the holidays! Isn't Gatlinburg the best!! We love it, too.