Friday, July 03, 2009


Devin is 9 going on 19. He thinks he's really cool and unfortunately for us, others think he's cool too. His new thing is that he wants to be on a sitcom or in commercials. He wanted me to take some pictures of him after his haircut today. The best way for me to convince him to get a haircut is by reminding him that the "sun kissed" blonde hair will be cut off and his hair will look darker after a haircut. He likes that because he wishes he had dark hair. So here's Devin being Devin...


Becky said...

Is that a tongue ring I saw in one of the pictures?~?~? If it is, then you are the coolest mom I've ever met.

tricia said...

Becky- that daughter of yours is keeping you up too late! It's GUM!!! NOT a tounge ring! HA!

mommy of 2 said...

Devin is one cool dude. Especially since he chews gum - ha ha ha, Becky! Get him on TV, let him earn his keep! LOL

Coco said...

The last picture is the BEST! Love Devin being Devin...By the way I thought it was a tongue ring at first - then I thought no way would my cousin let that happen! LOL! Just an idea - get him an acting career and you don't have to work!

Wendy said...

His smile is wonderful.... I have to comment on the colour of the sky in the back ground... amazing... You have a wonderful looking family...

Thanks for spending some time visiting my blog as well..

Enjoy your weekend

JinXiu said...

he is so handsome